..when you see your love talking to his ex.

Ouch. A big big OUCH.

Oh yeah right, I don’t have the right to be green-eyed-monster. But please, let me be human.
One of the moments that is really heart-breaking is seeing the one you love talk to his ex-love, that actually he still loves. Ouch. Dude, it sucks. Believe me. I’ve gone thru the pain many times over. Haha! [Now it’s really exaggerated]

This is one of the things I hate. To be a monster. You know. That moment when you don’t want to look at their direction but you want to see if there’s still the spark in his eyes. That moment when you want to walk away to make him feel you’re jealous but you’re afraid he won’t follow you. That moment when you want to ignore but your neck and eyes start to be uncontrolled by your pituitary gland. How pathetic. And yes, it’s crazy.

Well, what can I do? I’m just a human being who fell in love with a man who’s still in love with his ex. And yeah, I am in a complicated relationship with him. And yeah, I accept it. And a big yes, I let him talk to his ex-love. Yes, I know I’m crazy. Don’t shout at me, I am deaf to hear you. I know, I AM CRAZY.

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